CAPCR in the News
Incomplete police investigations delay justice
February 5, 2019

"Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner was able to achieve swift justice in the latest police incident involving lethal force. Within just 48 hours she called for an independent investigation by the Missouri Highway Patrol and charged Officer Nathaniel Hendren for the shooting death of Officer Katlyn Alix.
"But two area mothers whose sons were both killed by police ask, 'When will our sons get justice?'”
For full article click here.
Coalition calls for ‘re-investing in public safety’
October 16, 2018

“The Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR) will also roll out its campaign to Re-Invest in Public Safety. The campaign’s goal is to shift priorities in the St. Louis city budget for 2019, pulling money from policing and putting it into job training, housing, education and other services that help prevent crime.”
Note: The campaign name has been changed to, “Campaign for Real Public Safety.
For the full article, click here.
Community wants input, and national search, in replacing police chief
April 27, 2017

"Chasnoff said that both the Public Safety director and chief are 'equally important' in broadening the city’s perspective on public safety – looking beyond just arresting people and incarceration. 'Jobs, education and healthcare are all part of the factors that people feel safe,' Chasnoff said. 'We are hoping to find leadership in the Public Safety director and police chief that understands this. If you are looking at the larger picture of public safety, the role of police chief looks differently.'”
For full article click here.
Independent investigation needed in killing of Isaiah Hammett
August 1, 2017

“Most alarming, an independent forensic analyst, brought in by the family for a preliminary study, supports the family’s account that no evidence indicates any bullets were fired in the direction of police. All the bullet holes point only to incoming fire.”
CAPCR joins Isaiah’s family and supporters in demanding justice. We also demand investigations explore the pattern of St. Louis’ militarized SWAT attacks, including the death of Don Clark Sr. on February 21, 2017.”
For full article click here.
Civilian oversight bill nears passage
April 15, 2015

"'I was almost moved to tears, even though I know there is a hard road ahead of us,’ said Rogers, co-founder of the Coalition Against Police Crimes & Repression (CAPCR.)
“The coalition has been working on a civilian oversight bill since 1983 when Marilyn Banks, a young mother and innocent bystander, was killed by a St. Louis police officer.”
For the full article click here.
Stakeholders shut out of local control
February 16, 2012

“The American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri (ACLU-EM) and the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR) testified that they will fight the ballot initiative, though both groups have long pushed for local control.
“This ballot initiative...would make it more difficult for the public to access records on police who are under investigation for wrongdoing and to establish a civilian review board.”
For full article click here.